News and Events
Children as Active Learners: Books for bereavement, loss, grief, stress, worry and separation
02nd May 2022
We have lots of different books available in nursery. Please just see a member of staff if you would like to borrow any of them. We also have child lending libraries, parent lending libraries, kindess bags, bucket filler bags, literacy bags, numeracy bags, health and wellbeing bags, Pudding the Guide Dog bags and Ziggy and Patsy bags which can all be borrowed and used at home to further develop your child’s learning and engagement. Please just ask a member of staff who will be happy to help.
Staffing Update
02nd May 2022
Welcome to Alicia, Megan, Eliza, Molly, and Pedro who have all recently joined us as practitioners within our rooms. Pedro is a qualified primary teacher who will primarily be working with the children on their Spanish and PE skills. Also to AJ who is our new part-time janitor. As part of his role, AJ will be working with the children on developing their Technology skills as part of the Early Level Curriculum. We even have a floorbook and wall display dedicated to AJ and his child-led projects. We are delighted to welcome such experienced practitioners to our team. Huge congratulations also to Amy Watson who has stepped up to an Acting Supervisor role within the Wellie Totts room. Well done Amy – this is a huge achievement and very well deserved! You have worked extremely hard to get to this point. Please support Amy as this will be a steep learning curve. Best wishes also to Sarah, Annabel, Maggie, and Hannah who have either recently left, or will be leaving us soon. Sarah has moved to work in England over the Summer (but will be returning to us), Hannah has moved to a school nursery and Annabel will be working in a travel agency. You have all been great assets to KingsWellies. We will miss you all so very much. Keep in touch. Congratulations also to Marcia, Eibhlish, Steph and Simone who have all recently announced their pregnancies. We are really thrilled for you all. All four will be starting maternity leave over the coming months. That makes eighteen staff over the past couple of years who are going to be (or have become) new mums. Good luck ladies. We can’t wait to meet the new members of the Wellies Gang! HUGE congratulations also to Cari who will be getting married in May. We cannot wait to see your stunning wedding photos Cari. Good luck for the big day. Welcome back also to Rachel, Lauren and Karla who will all be returning from maternity leave soon. All will be returning in the capacity of Supervisors.
Outdoor Education
02nd May 2022
Our Outdoor Committee will be working hard with Scott and AJ to improve our outdoor education area. Laura and Caroline also have lots of exciting ideas for our outdoor area so will be working hard to ensure that it is awash with lots of literacy and numeracy activities. Please complete our Outdoor Play Area Consultation which is attached to this Newsletter. Please give us your feedback on how we can continue to improve this very important area.
What else have the Wellies Gang been up to this term so far?
02nd May 2022
Chinese New Year, Robbie Burns Day, national kindness day, Makaton training, baking, pancake day, Valentine’s Day, random acts of kindness day, national anthem day, minibeast hunts, planting in our allotments, supporting our Guide Dog puppy called Pudding, collecting tadpoles, World Book Day, Mother’s Day and LOTS more………….
Easter Celebrations
02nd May 2022
We have been very busy celebrating all aspects of Easter. We have been making Easter bonnets, painting daffodils, planting in our allotments, making lots of chocolate treats, finding out about the lifecycle of a chick, researching the life cycle of frogs, butterflies, and bunny rabbits, lots of arts and crafts, baking and making Easter cards. We have also had great fun painting, decorating and rolling our eggs down the Prime Four “Mount Everest” hills beside the nursery. We will also be hearing about the Easter story from the Minister from Kingswells Church and will be learning all about this very important celebration.
Enhancing our Environments
14th February 2022
Since Covid restrictions have started to slowly lift (fingers crossed), we have been very busy enhancing our environments to get these back to pre-covid days. The children have loved designing their new areas too. What do you think? Any suggestions or junk for us?
Pudding Our Guide Dog Puppy
14th February 2022
We are delighted to sponsor Pudding, a guide dog puppy in training. We will follow Puddings’ journey as he grows from a tiny pup into a fully qualified guide dog and transforms the life of a person with sight loss. We cannot wait to see Pudding develop and grow. Ask the Wellie Jellies all about Pudding. They have been learning all about the importance of this charity. The Wellie Jellies also have their very own Pudding puppy who has been on lots of adventures with them! The other rooms have been taking Ziggy and Patsy Cline on adventures all over the place too! Watch out for them coming home soon and for their adventures on facebook. They have also been writing their very own storybooks to read to each other in class
1140 Hours Funding
14th February 2022
Application forms for funding in term 3 (from first week of April) have just been emailed to you. Scott will keep you right in applying for funding if your child has just turned three or will be turning three soon.
Staffing Update
14th February 2022
We bid a very sad farewell to Kerryn who has moved on to a job within the oil industry. We wish her the very best for her future. We would like to very much welcome Leah in to our office. She will be working alongside Katelyn on a job-share basis. We have also welcomed Caroline and Kayleigh back (after maternity leave). Leia Thomson has joined us in the baby room and Milli Yule in the pre-school room. Steph Clark and Eibhlish Doyle have also just announced their pregnancies. Huge congratulations also to Amy Wilkins who gave birth recently to a beautiful baby boy called Findlay. We can’t wait to meet him Amy! Phew – lots going on for the Wellies gang!
Room Transitions
14th February 2022
Transitions to the next room will be planned depending on the individual child’s needs. Room staff will discuss all transitions in depth with you in plenty of time.