News and Events
Drive Carefully
11th April 2018
Please always drive carefully and reverse park when in our car park. The speed limit is 5 miles per hour at all times. Many thanks.
Parent Training Opportunities
11th April 2018
We have teamed up with Morven Medical Solutions to provide medical training for our staff and parents. We are delighted to be able to offer a half day first aid course for parents/carers. This course will cover Basic Life Support for Adults and Children and will be held on a Saturday or Sunday at KingsWellies Nursery. The date will be confirmed. This course usually costs £45 per person, however Morven Solutions would be happy to charge a discounted rate of £35 per person for the KingsWellies parents. If you are interested in participating in this course, please email Kerryn as soon as possible. Dates and times will then be arranged, depending on the uptake from parents. I am also hoping to book an extremely interesting course on Emotional Literacy for both staff and parents to attend. More information to follow.
Prime Four Pond
11th April 2018
Please help us to name the pond. Please hand your ideas in to reception.
Snack and Lunch Consultation
11th April 2018
Many thanks to everyone who responded to this important consultation. Kerry will be meeting with Entier later this month to review our new lunch menus. Marcia is currently reviewing our snack menus. We have taken all of your views in to account and will share both sets of new menus in due course. We would also really like to encourage our children and parents to be our “snack shopper” each weekend. Please see Ruby for a shopping list and £10 budget. This is a GREAT way to teach your children about literacy and numeracy whilst doing your normal weekly shop.
Staffing Update
11th April 2018
Welcome to Tracey, Katelyn and Gosia who have all recently joined us. Welcome also to Julie Munro who joins us every Monday afternoon. Julie is a P1 teacher at Crombie School and has been joining us to increase her knowledge of the early year’s curriculum. It is great having her and we have been sharing lots of good ideas.
Enquiry / Tinker Table
11th April 2018
Many thanks to everyone who donated some of their old technologies for our enquiry table. We have loved taking things to bits! We are still looking for more remote controls, cameras, laptops, sky boxes, calculators etc. Please remember us when you are clearing out.
Thank YOU Apache
11th April 2018
A HUGE thank you goes to George at Apache who helped us to purchase this wonderful music trolley and instruments. George was sooooo impressed with us when we came for our sing song at Christmas that he insisted on buying us this lovely present. Thank you so much Apache. We will get lots of good use out of our new instruments.
La Jolie Ronde French Lessons
11th April 2018
We have been learning our numbers, our colours, the parts of our bodies, our names, how to greet our friends and all about Easter in FRENCH! We also had an egg hunt to celebrate our French Easter. Linda has got lots more planned for us in term 4 and we are growing in confidence every week. Linda also has a series of excellent books and CDs for sale. Please let us know if you would like to purchase any. This will help to reinforce our vocabulary at home too
Pyjama Drama
11th April 2018
We ALL got a chance to participate in some extra Pyjama Drama sessions this term. Kristine worked with us on the Chinese New Year, The Gruffalo, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Kindness. Our imaginations were running riot and we all had great fun. If you would like to sign up for extra Pyjama Drama sessions, please see Kerryn in reception.
Spring has sprung! Do you like our new Spring scene in reception?
11th April 2018
We helped Scott to design, build, paint and make our lego mountain scene. We learned how to paper mache and spent lots of time building the lego which was a tricky job but very good for our technologies skills. We love playing with the crane and the KingsWellies Express! We also helped Scott to build us our very own “den” outside. We love hiding in it and using our torches to tell scary stories.