News and Events
Opening Date
15th March 2015
This is a very exciting time for us all! I am receiving the nursery keys on 16th March and we are all set to open our doors on 13th April. The nursery premises are looking magnificent and I really can't wait for you and your children to see them! This first week of the nursery opening (13th - 17th April) will be used as a settling-in period for all children. We will then become fully operational, with all children in attendance for their pre-booked sessions as of 20th April 2015. Full steam ahead!
Available Spaces
15th March 2015
We still have some spaces available within each of the age groups in the nursery. These are however filling up quickly! Please email to request an application pack. We are holding a parent and child Open Evening on 1st April 2015 from 4pm - 8pm. Please come along to meet our staff and see our brand new nursery.
Playroom Names
15th March 2015
Thank you to all staff and parents who suggested some very ingenious names for our three age groups. After much deliberation, we have decided that the playrooms will be called Wellie Babies (Babies), Wellie Tots (Toddlers) & Wellie Beans (Pre-school). Hope you like them! Congratulations to Fife Hyland who came up with them! Your prize is on the way to you Fife! I can't wait to meet all of our Wellie Babies, Wellie Tots and Wellie Beans in due course!
Opening Date
26th January 2015
We are delighted to announce that the opening date for KingsWellies Nursery will now be 13th April 2015. This first week of the nursery opening (13th - 17th April) will be used as a settling-in period for all children. The full staff team will be in attendance during this week in order to provide lots of support, reassurance and attention to the small groups of children. We will then become fully operational, with all children in attendance for their pre-booked sessions as of 20th April 2015. Full steam ahead!
Open Evening for Parents and Children
26th January 2015
There will be an open evening held for all children and parents at KingsWellies Nursery on 1st April 2015. Please feel free to come along at any time between 4pm and 8pm in order to meet the staff and see our amazing nursery
The KingsWellies Team
26th January 2015
Following competitive interview, We are delighted to announce that we have now appointed the majority of our new KingsWellies team. We are very confident that we have secured an excellent team who are full of motivation, enthusiasm and commitment!
Extra-Curricular Experiences
26th January 2015
We are currently looking to provide a range of extra -curricular activities and experiences for the KingsWellies children. These will include Spanish lessons, Forest Schools workshops, Eco Schools workshops, UNICEF citizenship workshops, Health workshops and Expressive Arts lessons. We are also speaking to the Urban Village Resort Hotel with regards to offering swimming lessons and weekly fitness classes for the children at the gym. We will keep you updated with regards to these exciting opportunities.
Can you help?
26th January 2015
We are currently trying to come up with some good, quirky and imaginative names for our three playrooms; babies, toddlers and pre-school. There will be a prize for the best suggestion!
Parent Open Days
19th November 2014
We are holding open days for interested parents who recognise the importance of choosing the very best for their child. The Open Days will be held on Tuesday 25th, Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th November 2014 from 12noon - 8pm at the Prime Four Business Park. Please come along to meet us!
Recruitment Weekend
19th November 2014
Can you help us grow happy, healthy children at KingsWellies Nursery? We will be holding a recruitment weekend on Saturday 6th December and Sunday 7th December 2014 from 10am - 4pm at the Prime Four Business Park. Please come along to meet us!